Author Guidelines
Submit manuscript
Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editorial Office: submit the manuscript including illustrations as a single PDF or .doc file attached to an email.
Language. Manuscripts should be written in English. Linguistic usage should be correct. Write in a clear style. Avoid the use of the passive voice. The pronouns I (we), me (us) and my (our) should preferably be used. Avoid extensive reviews in the introduction and discussion. Cite only essential sources of a theory or opinion.
Title. The title should be brief and contain words useful for indexing and information retrieval. Authors of scientific names should not be included in the title.
Text. The first page should only contain the title and author's name, address and email-address. Page two contains an abstract in which the main results of the work are summarized. The abstract should not exceed 175 words. Begin the introduction on page three. Underlinings, use of capitals and footnotes should be avoided. Approximate position of illustrations and tables in the text should be indicated.
Illustrations. Tables and legends of illustrations should be written double-spaced on separate sheets. Do not incorporate the legend in the figure itself. Tables and illustrations should be comprehensible without reference to the text. Do not use italic lettering.
Figures should be planned to appear with a maximum final width of 8 cm (single-column), 12.5 cm (1.5 column) or 16.6 cm (double-column). The font used in figures should be either Helvetica or Arial. Letters, numbers and symbols must appear clearly but not oversized. A suitable final size for lettering is 1-2 mm at reproduction size. One uniform size throughout is generally recommended. Avoid complicated symbols or patterns. Use open and closed circles, squares and triangles; open, striped and closed bars in histograms. Each figure should be boxed in and scale marks (turning inwards) provided. Lines should be clear, but not thick and heavy. Plan your illustrations for the smallest size possible (one column). Be sure that the lettering is clear and readable, even if the figure is de-sized.
Plan your illustrations for the smallest size possible. Figures, letters and other symbols on illustrations should be drawn so large that they will be at least 1.5 mm high in the final print.
Units. Units should conform to the Système International d'Unités (SI).
Nomenclature. Binomial Latin names should be used in accordance with International Rules of Nomenclature. The first time a binomen is used in the text the name of its author should be included. All nomenclatural novelties proposed in the manuscript should be explicitly mentioned in the abstract. Authors' names should be abbreviated following the recommodations in R.K. Brummitt & C.E. Powell. 1992. Authors of plant names. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
New records. Reports on new records should preferably include quotation of longitude and latitude and elevation in metres above sea level. The herbarium in which the material has been deposited should be indicated.
References. In the list of references the following usage should be conformed to:
Journal: Cronberg, N. and Natcheva, R. 2002. Hybridization between the peat mosses,Sphagnum capillifolium and S. quinquefarium (Sphagnaceae, Bryophyta) as inferred by morphological characters and isozyme markers. - Plant Syst. Evol. 234: 53-70.
Book: Longton, R. E. 1988. Biology of polar bryophytes and lichens. - Cambridge Univ. Press.
Chapter: Bates, J. W. 2000. Mineral nutrition, substratum ecology and pollution. - In: Shaw, A. J. and Goffinet, B. (eds), Bryophyte biology. Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 248-311.
In the text references are given: Longton (1988) or, at the end of a sentence, (Longton 1988).
Titles of journals should be abbreviated following Biological Abstracts. If in doubt, give the title in full. Do not include unpublished material among the references.
The list of references should be arranged alphabetically on authors' names and chronologically per author. If the author's name is is also mentioned with co-authors the following order should be used: publications of the single author, arranged chronologically - publications of the same author with one co-author, arranged chronologically - publications of the author with more than one co-author, arranged chronologically. Publications by the same author(s) in the same year shoul be listed as 2004a, 2004b, etc. When more than three authors, write first three authors names followed by et al. Reference lists not conforming to this format will be returned for revision.
Acknowledgements. Gather all acknowledgements under a single heading at the end of the paper and keep them short.
Authors are recommended to follow the guidelines set out in: O'Connor, M. 1991. Writing successfully in science. - Harper Collins Academic, London, and to examine the latest issues of Oikos. Manuscripts not conforming to the requirements will be returned for revision.
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