Aims & Scope
Lindbergia is an Open Access journal. That means that everyone has free access to the journal. At the present time. there is no publucation charge. Thus, publishing is free.
The copyright for an article published in Lundbergia is with the author.
Lindbergia sections
Research papers - Research papers report original research in all fields of bryology and lichenology and should aim at a readership from a wide range of bryological and lichenological disciplines.
Short communication - Short communications aims at shorter papers with only a limited amount of information. Keep them short!
All manuscripts submitted are considered for publication on the understanding that they have not been published, submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts are submitted to referees for evaluation of their significance and soundness, Authors will generally be notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision within two months.
Manuscripts are edited with a view to improving communication between the author and the readers. Editing may sometimes be extensive, in which case the manuscript will be returned to the author for approval before printing.
Authors will receive first proofs in the form of a PDF file. Alterations should be kept to a minimum. Extensive alterations may delay publication and will be charged to the author.